The value system of the "Petar Mandic" Endowment is based on a short formulation that reads:
This motto was directly inspired by a letter that Nikola Tesla wrote to his nephew Nikola Trbojevic in 1928, in which, among other things, he states that it is difficult to find a man who would have all three of the mentioned qualities.

The "Petar Mandic" Endowment has its own operational and strategic goals.
Construction of an ethno-museum complex as an operational goal
The operational goal of the "Petar Mandic" Endowment is the construction of an ethno-museum complex in the village of Radoinja, which would be built for the glory of God (which is why the Holy Cross, the holiest symbol of Christianity, is in the central part), and in honour of Tesla's priestly ancestors who come from the Tesla, Mandic, Kalinic and Budisavljevic families. Each of the mentioned families would be represented in the mentioned complex by a separate unit, which would embody it in a unique and authentic way. The operational goal of the "Petar Mandic" Endowment is projected to be completed within a decade.
Strategic goals
The "Petar Mandic" Endowment achieves its strategic goals in seven interconnected areas, which represent the core of its long-term functioning:
1) Scholarships for young students of technical and other sciences (primarily those who have good grades and who have lost one or both parents);
2) Development of parenting schools in Serbia;
3) Support for projects studying the development of emotional intelligence in children;
4) Raising social awareness in terms of a balanced education, which includes primarily the formation of the character of the young generation and then the stimulation of their intellectual abilities;
5) Promotion of quality dialogue between religion and science;
6) Global promotion of the best that the Serbian people have in their history and tradition;
7) Developing good neighbourly relations between Orthodox Serbs and other Balkan nations.
In achieving its mission, the "Petar Mandic" Endowment is open to cooperation with all institutions and individuals in the country and abroad who share common values with it.