The "Petar Mandic" Endowment owes thanks to the individuals and organisations that support its work.
Patrons of the "Petar Mandic" Endowment
Since the foundation of the "Petar Mandic" Endowment, there have been noble personalities and socially responsible organisations and institutions that have particularly stood out in helping its development.

Organisations and institutions
Organisations and institutions that especially helped the development of the "Petar Mandic" Endowment from the very beginning are the company Mak Trade Group from Resnik, SmartBerry Solutions from Belgrade, publishing agency Bernar from Stari Banovci, the "Laza Kostic" Found from Novi Sad, IT consulting company hoQMee from Novi Sad and the Architectural studio KOD from Cacak.
The individuals who particularly helped the development of the "Petar Mandic" Endowment from the very beginning are Slavko Radmilovic (founder, owner and director of Mak Trade Group ), Damir Okanovic (founder and president of the Committee for Traffic Safety), Predrag Savic (owner of the Savic law firm), Vladimir Obucina (co-owner of SmartBerry Solutions ), Branimir Jovanovic PhD, (former director of the Nikola Tesla Museum), Nikola Loncar (founder and president of the Tesla Science Foundation from Philadelphia), Zeljko Gajanovic (founder and owner of the IT consulting company hoQMee d.o.o., Novi Sad) and Marina Milic Radovic (professor at the Academy of Music in Novi Sad).