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"Kod Brane"

"Kod Brane"

Presbyter Oliver Subotic was a guest in the show Kod Brane (At Brane’s place) and on that occasion he spoke on the subject of the secrets of Nikola Tesla's personality.

Oliver Subotic's guest appearance in the "Kod Brane" ("At Brane’s place") podcast

On the occasion of the publication of the monograph Tesla: Duhovni lik (Tesla: The Spiritual Character), the presbyter of the Serbian Orthodox Church spoke on the subject of the character and works of Nikola Tesla, while looking back at the lesser-known segments of the scientist's biography.

From the conversation, we learn that the book Tesla: Duhovni lik (Tesla: The Spiritual Character) is an endowment project. The funds from its sale are intended for the development of the "Petar Mandic" Endowment, which is dedicated to nurturing the memory of Nikola Tesla's ancestors.

Nikola Tesla's parents, his Krajina origin and temperament, as well as the Germanic approach to learning, stand out as important topics of conversation. The nationality of the scientist is also discussed, and it is emphasised that he was a distinct Serb, deeply connected to Serbian culture, tradition, literature, but also to the ruling line of the Karadjordjevic Dynasty.

The topics of the show are the relationship with Michael Pupin (conflict and reconciliation), as well as with other inventors (Edison, Marconi, Einstein) and thinkers (Descartes, Boskovic).

From the Kod Brane podcast, you will learn more about Tesla's philosophical and religious views (especially controversial views and the influence of Far Eastern thought on him), about his relationship to nature and space, but also to money, women, and vices.

Oliver Subotic characterises Tesla as a man whose most dominant trait was mercy and compassion, but he also points out the scientist's carelessness and lack of scientific restraint, as well as the temptation of pride that often attacks people of strong intellect, and an eccentricity of character that was truly specific.

Towards the end of the show, Tesla's funeral is also discussed. Father Oliver Subotic considers the initiative to canonise the Serbian scientist as deeply wrong and unfounded. As the conclusion of the guest appearance, it is stated that the scientist was able to make mistakes, but that his greatness and genius far outweighed his flaws, as well as that he was able to recognise his mission in the field of technology, to which he dedicated his entire life.

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"Petar Mandic" Endowment
Gandijeva 44/49
Postal Number
Municipality of New Belgrade
Date establishment
Registration Body
Serbian Business Registers Agency, Republic Serbia