RTS reported on the recognition of the Tesla Science Foundation to Presbyter Oliver Subotic and the presentation of the sculpture "U slozi je spas" ("In unity is salvation").
"U slozi je spas" ("In unity is salvation")
On 26th September 2019, the website of the Public Service broadcaster of Serbia published news about the awarding of the sculpture "U slozi je spas" ("In unity is salvation") to one of the founders of the "Petar Mandic" Endowment, Presbyter Oliver Subotic (you can read the full article on the RTS website).

The news of the Public Service broadcaster of Serbia contains the explanation of Nikola Loncar, President of the Tesla Science Foundation from Philadelphia, about why father Oliver Subotic was the winner not only of the Tesla Medal, but also of this unique sculpture in the form of the Tesla’s Wardenclyffe Tower, on the upper side of which there are figures of Nikola Tesla and Michael "Mihaijlo" Pupin, with an engraved sign of the cross.

Nikola Loncar pointed out that the main reason for donating the sculpture "U slozi je spas" to father Oliver is his research concerning the character and work of Nikola Tesla, especially Tesla's spiritual character, a topic that is little known both in Serbia and in the world.
In Nikola Loncar's explanation about the award, you will also find a short history of the creation of the gifted sculpture. You will find out whose idea it was how to make it, who sculpted it, what its symbolism is and what message it sends to the Serbian people.
From the words of father Oliver, you will find out what the recognition of the Tesla Science Foundation means to him, where the proceeds from the sale of his book Tesla: Duhovni lik (Tesla: The Spiritual Character) will be directed, as well as where the sculpture, which was presented to him by Nikola Loncar, will be kept.