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On the internet page of the daily newspaper "Politika", an article written by the founder of the "Petar Mandic" Endowment, Presbyter Dr. Oliver Subotic, was published on July 9th, 2023. The article discusses the relationship between Nikola Tesla and the royal family of Karadjordjevic.

Nikola Tesla's Relationship with the Karadjordjevic Family

In the article, the author reflects on Nikola Tesla's relationship with the Kingdom of Yugoslavia and the Karadjordjevic Royal Family, specifically analyzing Tesla's relationship with King Alexander and King Peter II.

Nikola Tesla | King Peter II | Royal family

At the beginning of his concise analysis of Nikola Tesla's relationship with the Karadjordjevic family, Presbyter Oliver Subotic expresses the viewpoint that Tesla's stance regarding Serbian identity, the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, and the Karadjordjevics was one of the few aspects of his life that remained unwavering, unaffected by the oscillations and contradictions that Tesla was otherwise prone to.

Describing Tesla as an ardent cosmopolitan during his American period, the author underscores that parallel to this, the scientist steadfastly remained a Serbian patriot and a committed Serbian-Yugoslav monarchist until the end of his life.

Tesla holded an unusual reverence for King Alexander, primarily due to King's achievement in creating a strong state and unifying the three Balkan peoples - Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes. In his public statements following the Marseille assassination, Tesla refers to the king as "Great", "Martyr" and attaches epithets like capable, fearless, wise - attributes befitting a "pedestal of Serbian giants".

Towards King Peter II, Nikola Tesla similarly harbors deep respect and loyalty, considering him a "young eagle from the nest of the great eagle" and "the apple of the eye of the people". This is substantiated by the fact that Tesla's last public appearance occurred during the visit of King Peter II to the USA. On that occasion, as recalled by father Oliver referencing historical sources, Tesla, with the king's approval, reminded the young king of the testament left by King Alexander - the imperative to safeguard the unity of the nation and the Kingdom.

Towards the end of the article, Subotic underlines that any idea of Yugoslavia without the Serbian crown was strange to Tesla and despite significant pressures from his surroundings to align with Tito and communism, the scientist remained loyal to the Karadjordjevics.

In conclusion, the author postulates that, given the bitter experiences of Jasenovac, Jadovno, and "Operation Storm", Tesla would today hold an exceedingly reserved stance towards any new Yugoslav idea. However, it is certain that he would advocate for improved relations between Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes, whom he regarded as fraternal peoples.

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