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Catena Mundi

Catena Mundi

Author's honorarium for the books Digital Rubicon and Digital Challenge by Presbyter Dr. Oliver Subotić has been directed towards the "Petar Mandic" Endowment, of which he is the founder.

The honoraria for the books Digital Rubicon and Digital Challenge for the Endowmen

The honoraria pertain to the first edition of the book Digital Rubicon, addressing the topic of artificial intelligence, and the third, expanded edition of the book Digital Challenge, exploring phenomena of the information age from the perspective of Orthodox Christian thought.

According to the agreement with the publishing house Catena mundi, author's honoraria for the mentioned editions will be disbursed in two separate installments to the bank account of the "Petar Mandic" Endowment. The Endowment will utilize the received funds, as it has done so far, in a fully transparent manner, in accordance with the law and its statutory objectives.

The "Petar Mandic" Endowment expresses gratitude to its founder for this new contribution and takes this opportunity to thank all those who have supported its mission thus far.

Catena Mundi Publishing House

Catena Mundi Publishing House

Catena mundi, the publishing house responsible for publishing the books Digital Rubicon and Digital Challenge by Presbyter Dr. Oliver Subotic, is engaged in the study of national history and the foundations of the spiritual and cultural identity of the Serbian people in the Balkan region.

Catena mundi | publishing house | Belgrade | Branimir Nesic
Endowment "Petar Mandic" - logo

"Petar Mandic" Endowment
Gandijeva 44/49
Postal Number
Municipality of New Belgrade
Date establishment
Registration Body
Serbian Business Registers Agency, Republic Serbia