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The Fifth Lecture on AI

The Fifth Lecture on AI

On Thursday, November 16, 2023, the fifth lecture on artificial intelligence will take place in the Grand Hall of the Matica Srpska.

ETH302 - The Secret of Artificial Intelligence

The speaker, delegated by the "Petar Mandic" Endowment, will be Prof. Dr. Aleksandar Petrovic, a full professor of cultural anthropology, ethics, and history of science at the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade. The lecture's theme is "ETH302 - The Secret of Artificial Intelligence".

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Follow the Lecture via Livestream!

If you are interested in the topic of artificial intelligence and cannot attend the lecture in person, follow the "Petar Mandic" Endowment and have the opportunity to watch the artificial intelligence conference live via the internet.

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Details about the Lecture

"The lecture is dedicated to the fundamental issue of technology as an inverse consciousness and the exploration of the anthropology of artificial intelligence as one form of supervised transition from analog to digital culture.

Case studies are presented to highlight critical points in the revolutionary politics of virtuality and the dynamics of the duality of the world and image. Theological aspirations of technology behind practical problems it attempts to pose and solve in the form of artificial intelligence are examined. In this context, societal trends are considered, wherein humans will no longer govern, but rather some of the technological avatars, including artificial intelligence with its rise in the context of the Protestant concept of efficiency, and the simultaneous decline of ethical values leading to a loss of measure and meaning.

The suppression of ethics into post-event reflection fuels the fascination with the artificial, attributing anthropomorphic definitions rooted in the anthropology of the mechanical pattern of the world. In this way, progressive cultures seek their ultimate confirmation and victory in the struggle for the end of history in artificial or, more precisely, artificial intelligence."

Dr. Aleksandar Petrovic

About the Lecturer, Dr. Aleksandar Petrovic

Dr. Aleksandar Petrovic | lecture on artificial intelligence

A full professor of cultural anthropology, ethics, and history of science at the University of Belgrade. Compiler of the first collection on the philosophy of technology in the country (1980) and author of the banned Technology Dictionary (1981). Compiler of ten volumes of Milutin Milankovic's work (1995), project leader of the national scientific project "Canon of Milutin Milankovic and Anthropology of Climate Change" (2006), and the author of the concept for Milankovic's Museum of Climate Change in Dalj, as well as the exhibition at the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts (2009) dedicated to the Canon of Sunspotting.

Advisor and researcher on the international project "Science and Orthodoxy around the World" (2015 - ), led by the National Hellenic Research Foundation and Templeton Foundation. Edited the publication "Orthodoxy and Artificial Intelligence" published by the National Hellenic Research Foundation (2019), exploring the relationship between the Middle Ages and artificial intelligence.

In the same year, at the invitation of John X, Patriarch of Antioch and All the East, he gave lectures at the Institute of Theology, University of Balamand in Lebanon, dedicated to the relationship between theology and technology. In May 2023, as an ICCR fellow, he gave lectures at the national institutes of technology in Agartala and Tirupati, India, dedicated to the relationship between analog and digital culture.

Published about 200 papers in scientific journals and monographs published by the Russian Academy of Sciences, Serbian Academy of Sciences, and Matica Srpska. Co-author of the exhibition "Time and Universe" that opened the European Capital of Culture in Novi Sad (2021). Represents Serbia (October 2023) at the DHST Global History of Science and Technology Festival "Future and History of Science" with the theme "History of Science at the End of History", with the participation of 53 researchers from 35 countries.

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"Petar Mandic" Endowment
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Serbian Business Registers Agency, Republic Serbia