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The first lecture on AI

The first lecture on AI

On May 31st at 12 p.m. on the premises of Matica Srpska, a lecture on artificial intelligence will be held.

Artificial intelligence

Dr. Branislav Kisacanin and Dr. Oliver Subotic

The lecturers on artificial intelligence will be given by Dr. Branislav Kisacanin, the leading promoter of AI technologies at the Institute of Artificial Intelligence of Serbia and Dr. Oliver Subotic, Presbyter of the Serbian Orthodox Church and a founder of the "Petar Mandic" Endowment.

The concept of the lecture on artificial intelligence

  • For the first 20 minutes Dr. Branislav Kisacanin will talk on the topic "What are we to expect from artificial intelligence".
  • The second 20 minutes will be reserved for the lecture by presbyter Dr. Oliver Subotic on the topic "The ethical challenges of artificial intelligence".
  • The last 20 minutes will be devoted to the public debate on artificial intelligence, which will be open to all those present who want to take part.

The first in a series of lectures

The lecture by Dr. Branislav Kisacanin and Dr. Oliver Subotic on artificial intelligence will be the first in a series of lectures jointly organized by the Matica Srpska, the Institute for Artificial Intelligence and the "Petar Mandic" Endowment.

Six lectures in total of this nature are planned until the end of the year, in which the Endowment will delegate experts from various fields, in accordance with its values and statutory aims.

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"The ethical challenges of artificial intelligence"

Presbyter Dr. Oliver Subotic will address in his lecture the influence of artificial intelligence on society, the ethical challenges of the use of artificial intelligence and the possibilities of limiting its use and controlling its future development.

About the lecturer

About the lecturer

Dr. Oliver Subotic is a priest of the Serbian Orthodox Church, who has a degree in engineering, a master's degree in theology and a doctorate in sociology.

He was the first manager of the Centre for the Study and Use of Modern Technologies of the SPC (Serbian Orthodox Church). He has turned his thoughts on the influence of information technologies on man and the modern society into several books, with a special emphasis on the protection of individual's privacy in an information society.

Presbyter Dr. Oliver Subotic is the founder of the "Petar Mandic" Endowment, a charitable institution, whose aim is the preservation of the memory of Nikola Tesla's ancestors.

Oliver Subotic | Presbyter | SOC | founder | "Petar Mandic" Endowment

"What are we to expect from artificial intelligence?"

Dr. Branislav Kisacanin, one of our top scientists on the subject of artificial intelligence, will through his lecture try to explain what artificial intelligence is, where it is regularly used, what are its developmental trends in the coming years, but he will also start a discussion about the potential dangers of the new technology.

About the lecturer

About the lecturer

Dr. Branislav Kisacanin, one of the instigators of the Institute of Artificial Intelligence of Serbia, was born and raised in Novi Sad, where he graduated from the Faculty of Technical Sciences. He holds a doctorate in electrical engineering and computer sciences from the University of Illionis, USA.

He has built his career so far in the industrial research centres in the USA, most recently in Nvidia. He is a recognized expert in the application of artificial intelligence in automobile security systems and automatic driving. He is the author and editor of several science books, special edition science magazines and international patents.

Др Бранислав Кисачанин | вештачка интелигенција | предавање у Матици српској
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"Petar Mandic" Endowment
Gandijeva 44/49
Postal Number
Municipality of New Belgrade
Date establishment
Registration Body
Serbian Business Registers Agency, Republic Serbia